Leatherman Pocket clip MUT
Leatherman Pocket clip MUT
Ordered today, shipped tomorrow
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To ensure that you will not lose your precious Leatherman MUT, you can secure the tool with this pocket clip. This pocket clip is made of high quality titanium. You can also use it on the MUT EOD-model. Phillips screws are included in delivery, so you can mount the clip on your tool very easily.
Leatherman multitools
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Wednesday 30 December 2020
The item displayed on the K&T site was the old style cast TI pocket for the MUT. Although I did ask the question of customer services, was the item displayed what was held it stock I was assured it was, however I received the new cheaper style pocket clip. That said the returns process was as you would hope for.
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Leatherman Pocket clip MUT
Ordered today, shipped tomorrow